
Dear Bangor Families,

I wanted to remind you that Bangor Middle and High School will remain virtual through Thursday, April 29th. The middle and high school will resume in person learning for our Hybrid group on Friday, April 30th. Friday, April 30th is a 1/2 day of school with dismissal at 11:55 am as scheduled. In addition, the end of marking period 4 and Semester 2 is on Friday, April 30th. Please make sure your student has their course work completed and communicated with their teachers to assure adequate progress has been met. Lastly, I have emailed your student a copy of the schedules and details below as well.

State assessment update: The accountability for state assessment has been waived by the Michigan Department of Education (As of March 30th, 2021). Bangor Public Schools is required to administer the M-Step, SAT, PSAT and ACT. With the accountability portion being waived, that simply means that students are not required to take the tests this year. Students that are present in school will be administered these state tests. 

I would like to invite our virtual students, as well as hybrid students, to join us for the upcoming testing dates and times:

April 30th - 8:30 am - 5th grade students who did not finish the M-Step on Friday, April 16th will resume.

April 30th - 8:15 am - 10:30 am for 6th and 7th grade Mathematics. Students will test with their 4th hour teacher. 

May 6th - 8:15 am - 10:30 am for 6th and 7th grade ELA and 8th grade Social Studies and Science. Students on this date will be placed alphabetically to an assigned teacher according to the first initial of their last name:

8th grade - Social Studies and Science Test (Est. 2:30 min)

Ms. Squires: Last name A-F
Mr. Smith: Last name G-M
Mrs. Stanford: Last name N-Z

7th grade - ELA Test (Est. 2:00 hours)

Mrs. Packer: Last name: A-E
Ms. Kimbler: Last name: F-L
Mr. Saltzman: Last name: M-R
Mr. Maynard: Last name S-Z

6th grade - ELA Test  (Est. 2:00 hours)

Mrs. Maxwell: Last name A-G
Mrs. Herber: Last name H-R
Mrs. Remington: Last name S-Z

For this upcoming week our schedule will look as follows:

Monday and Tuesday (virtual)Same Schedule applies for Google Meets as previous weeks.
1st Hour:  10:00-10:30 a.m.
2nd Hour: 10:35-11:05 a.m.
3rd Hour: 11:10-11:40 a.m.
LUNCH 11:40 a.m.-12:05 p.m.
4th Hour:  12:05-12:35 p.m.
5th Hour:  12:40-1:10  p.m.
6th Hour:  1:15-1:45 p.m.

6-12 Exam, End of Unit, M-Step Schedule: Wednesday - Friday.




Wednesday (4/28)


Thursday (4/29)


10:00 – 11:35

1st hour exam  

3rd hour exam

11:35 – 12:00

Lunch Break  

Lunch Break

12:00 – 1:35

2nd hour exam

4th hour exam


Friday (4/30)

Hybrid students Return ½ Day - In Person Dismissal 11:55 pm

8:10 – 9:45

5th hour exam (6th and 7th graders will begin the M-Step for Mathematics).

9:50 – 11:25

6th hour exam (6th and 7th graders will begin the M-Step for Mathematics).

11:30 – 11:55

Lunch in 6th hour


If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to reach out to me or your student's office. Thank you and have a great weekend!
Mike Dandron
Bangor Middle/High School

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